Sunday, 22 July 2018

I will model and hand paint your low poly 3d game assets models

I will model and hand paint your low poly 3d game assets models


Are you trying to find 3d props that match your art style?. You can go on an online store and find a million knife and sword models, but how many of them match your specific style requirements? How many have the appropriate type of textures, the best geometry, the cleanest layout?

If you are building a video game and need some exclusive 3d model props and assets, I can help you through this process.

This gig is about low poly modeling, up to 256 polys, stylized shapes and hand painted textures.
If you can provide a sketch of the props you need, or direct references count on me, you tell me the level of detail you need, and the texture sizes so I can begin designing the models for you.


axelclerget:Top quality, as always.

axelclerget:High quality, fast delivery !

renegrox:Proactive and serious!

axelclerget:Talented artist, flexible, reactive with many skills.

renegrox:Great client, comprehensive and serious.

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