Friday 9 March 2018

I will 3d photo realistic supplement bottle for amazon and websites

I will 3d photo realistic supplement bottle for amazon and websites


Want your 2d labels converted to realistic 3d bottles to be posted on Amazon, Ebay or your own website.

Just send me your 2d label in jpg format and a reference image of a bottle you want yours to look like,  and get back the renders ready to be posted for amazon etc.

For $5 gig you will get    : 1 render in High resolution 1000 x 1000 


marinabalenko:Our task was not easy to make, but the Seller did send us each photo for revision and improved everything stem by step until it was perfect!!! Thanks a lot!!!

mmarif1982:Thank you.

marinabalenko:Our task was not easy to make, but the Seller did send us each photo for revision and improved everything stem by step until it was perfect!!! Thanks a lot!!!

mmarif1982:Thank you.


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